Vitamins are organic substances that are vital for us to feel good and for many of our bodily functions to work normally. Our bodies cannot produce vitamins itself, and therefore we have to add them through the diet. In this category you will find all types of vitamins in different forms such as capsules, liquids and tablets - all to help you find the right product for you.
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What are vitamins?
There are both fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins. The fat-soluble vitamins include vitamins A, D, E and K. The fact that they are fat-soluble means that the excess can be stored in body fat, but also that they need to be eaten together with fat in order for the body to be able to absorb the vitamins.
Among the water-soluble vitamins, you can find vitamins C and B. The water-soluble vitamins are slightly more sensitive and cannot withstand being warmed up and are not stored in the body as the excess disappears with urine. This means that water-soluble vitamins need to be added to the body regularly. The water-soluble vitamins act as an important building block in our DNA by being involved in the process of converting substances such as carbohydrates and fats into energy. These vitamins are therefore important for our metabolism to function normally.
Many vitamins also act as antioxidants that help the body protect cells from oxidative stress. In other words, the vitamins have many different tasks so it is very important that we have them, even if they are only needed in small amounts.
Recommended daily intake of vitamins
We do not normally need a large amount of vitamins per day, but the need varies depending on sex, age, illness or how active you are in your everyday life. Vitamin deficiency can give rise to symptoms of illness, and to reduce the risk of vitamin deficiency, a balanced and healthy diet is important. It can also be a good idea to take a dietary supplement with vitamins if you feel you have difficulty getting the amount you need through the diet or due to other reasons.
Vitamins in food
When you hear the word vitamins, many people think of fruits and vegetables, as we have learned from a young age that they are rich in vitamins and minerals. However, fruits and vegetables do not account for all vitamins – they are also found in meat, fish, poultry and nuts. Especially for vegans and vegetarians, dietary supplements in the form of vitamins may be needed as the body may have a harder time getting everything it needs through a vegetarian diet alone.
In each category, you will find supplements with the different vitamins, both individual and combined and of course in many different concentrations. We have vitamins as well as capsules and vitamin tablets - all so that you can find the right product for you.